Saturday, August 17, 2013

Whether we like to admit it or not, we reneg on our landlord/tenant agreement with God all of the time. What???

When we struck up our contract with God, through Jesus his son, what were the terms? Our whole life, for his whole life. He would take up residency in us through the Holy Spirit and we would now live the life we gave to him by his direction and stop wandering aimlessly on our own!  But we renegotiate that deal all the time. God never goes back on his contract. He never leaves us. He loved us so much that he signed the contract in Jesus' blood. But we, as my 11 year old puts it, "we signed with pencil and an eraser."  We are constantly taking parts of our life back as if somehow God is too inept to coach us in those areas.

I think the reason we do this is b/c we forget who we belong to so we stop growing in trust towards him. Even though we accepted God's contract for our lives, we somehow forget that learning to trust him is a process.  And we forget WHO we're learning to trust. Not only is he the God of all the universe but more importantly he says that he's LOVE. It's not just one of his many names, but it's who he is. It's not just what he does. He is the substance of LOVE. (Ok, that's another blog all together!) But I guess my point is that the way we start this process with God is the way we need to continue it. We have to give this relationship time to develop. We have to spend time getting to know him so that we can learn to trust him. And as we learn to trust him, we can more readily hand over the day to day decisions. We can not just expect him to do everything for us but we now have a partner in life who really has our BEST interest in mind and who will partner with us every day, in every way.

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