Saturday, August 17, 2013

Isn't it enough to want to?

I've been talking to God a lot lately...

You know the old adage, "you are who you hang around with?" Well, I'm pretty sure my actions of late have been more reflective of someone who spends waayyy too much time alone with her own thoughts, then those of a girl who's letting her primary influence be God...but I'm trying to change all of that.

It makes me think of something Einstein's once said, "I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details!"

Well, Albert, I completely agree with you!

I want to think like God. In fact, I want to love like God... treat others like God does... and I want to love myself like God loves me. But how I do this?

Isn't it enough to want to?

I can answer my own question: No!

It's not enough to want to do something that it makes it happen.
I want to lose weight, but I've got to do something more than just want it into existence. I think the key to transitioning from "want to" to "will do" to "I'm doing it!" is to THINK different thoughts than what I've been thinking. God said in the Bible that, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (or she)." And the only way I'm going to think different thoughts is to ask God what his thoughts are about my situation.

Whether I find his thoughts through talking (and listening) to God or by reading what he wrote through other people in his book, the Bible, I've got to trust that God cares enough about me that he wants me to be successful at any change I'm trying to make. In fact, because God is such a loving Father, I believe that he wants my success MORE than I want it. Now that's motivating!

The other day I was talking with my youngest son about lasting change and he said, "Mom, motivation is like the starter in the lawn mower. You pull the cord and the mower starts, but it's the engine and fuel that keep it going. That's like discipline. It's discipline that keeps us going to our goal."

So, I'll leave you with this thought: Psa 94:11-14  The LORD knows that people's thoughts are pointless.
 O LORD, blessed is the person whom you discipline and instruct from your teachings.
 You give him peace and quiet from times of trouble while a pit is dug to trap wicked people.
 The LORD will never desert his people or abandon those who belong to him.

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