Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why the Godspot?

Why the title, "Godspot"? I just thought it was a clever title (you know, like blogspot) because most of the things that I'll write about will have something to do with God -- I can't help it. He's pretty invasive!

Also, I was thinking about how there's a place in everyone's heart/soul that can only be filled by their creator. It's like the place in your heart/soul for your mother or for your father. If those places were somehow vacant or vacated too soon because of life's circumstances, they leave a hole in your soul that always craves to be filled.

It's the same way with the God Spot. God, as our creator, knew that he had to place some type of homing device within us when he made us so that when we could understand, we would we choose to come back to our creator and develop a relationship with Him to fill that spot for the rest of our existence. (That has to be a run-on sentence, but I just don't know how to fix it right now!)

Anyway, many of us don't choose to fill the God Spot with God at first; somehow we don't think he fits there. We try all sorts of other things because, well, we've usually been turned off by another's portrayal of God or we've completely misunderstood him. So we try all sorts of crazy things to fill that hole in our soul: money, other people, accomplishment, food and other addictions, even religion (you know, rules without relationship). Those things not only don't fill the God Spot, but they ravage us and leave the scars to prove it. But once we invite God to define himself to us, we will KNOW that there are no substitutions. When the God spot gets filled every day by God himself, it gives our life the purpose we've longed for and we'll wake up looking forward to actually living life instead of trying to escape the pain of it or just dredging through.

Well, enough for now. Just try to remember (what I'm trying to be mindful of as well): The God Spot can only be filled by God today. So, invite God to fill your heart and soul like only he can. You'll never regret it. Take care.