Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm really tired tonight...

I've been working on our rental day and night for over a month it seems. And in the future, I will try to be very careful about using the phrase, "How hard can it be?" to motivate me to embark on a project. I'm now keenly aware that's it was code for, "If you really think this through, you won't do it!"

So, all of that to say that this will be a very short blog today. Just one simple verse from the Bible:

I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.  (Eze_36:27)

See! I knew I couldn't be THAT good all by myself!  :0 ) (Thanks so much God for being my best friend!)

Goodnight everyone! (And congratulations to my sweet sister, Vangie. Her 1st baby is due on our precious Grandma's birthday next year! I love you baby Grace!)


  1. I love this post Lindy! What a wonderful thing He did for us. He put His spirit in us so we would follow Him. And then He told us to walk in His Spirit so that we would not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Gal 5:16) I am certain and confident that without the Holy Spirit I would fail miserably at following Christ. He is so good to us. He didn't create us and leave us. He created us with amazing love that only comes from Him and He promised to never leave us or forsake us. Amen! God is so good to us.

  2. I really liked this quote from your first post( I just found your blog today sister and the first post didn't have a place for a comment!)

    "Those things not only don't fill the God Spot, but they ravage us and leave the scars to prove it."
    I still find myself drinking from brackish, infested mud puddles instead of the fountain of life sometimes-ugh. Thanks for the reminder sister Jeremiah 2:13
