Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It's been a while. The two week, turned two month rental renovation is almost done! I've learned so much and ironically enough, since I've been filling up the Godspot inside of me with God each day, it feels like I'm kinda being renovated as well.

You know how when you're going through a stage or process in life and it seems ironic when you discover that God actually planned to teach you something great through it? (As if he has trouble planning things that far in advance :0) Well, I think this renovation, that took so much longer than expected, has done just that for me.

I've been experimenting with giving God at least 10 minutes of my very busy every day. I even had to shut off the car once last week when I was backing out of my drive way b/c I almost forgot to give God that place in my heart. I could have driven and talked to him too, but I really, really wanted to get in the habit of giving him my full attention. That way it's not just a one-way conversation or gripe session and I stand a better chance of actually getting to hear what he's saying too. I also thought that since I'm going to fill that spot in my heart/soul somehow today anyway, whether it be with anxiety, worry or frustration or ???, I may as well not give those things a vacancy to occupy my heart and ask God to be my tenant. (I know it's a funny way to think but I have rental stuff on the brain right now.)

One of the benefits of this daily experiment is that I'm making different choices as result of letting God fill up my heart/soul. For instance, when I've been tempted to eat M&M's as a reward for all my hard work each night, I've asked God instead how he would like to comfort me. (I know he must have a better plan for comfort/reward than even peanut butter M&M's.) So one night I heard him say, "Get a cup of hot tea (I'm sure he meant Good Earth) and watch your favorite movie." That's exactly what I did and it felt so good. And you know what, ten nights of asking him how to comfort and reward me has led to 5lbs less of me! (I think I'm going to like this diet!)

So many other thoughts are running through my head about all the benefits of filling up the Godspot with God, but I'll just leave you with this for now:

Jesus said,  "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest." Matthew 11:28 (The Message Bible)

Have a great day and hopefully we'll chat tomorrow okay!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm really tired tonight...

I've been working on our rental day and night for over a month it seems. And in the future, I will try to be very careful about using the phrase, "How hard can it be?" to motivate me to embark on a project. I'm now keenly aware that's it was code for, "If you really think this through, you won't do it!"

So, all of that to say that this will be a very short blog today. Just one simple verse from the Bible:

I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.  (Eze_36:27)

See! I knew I couldn't be THAT good all by myself!  :0 ) (Thanks so much God for being my best friend!)

Goodnight everyone! (And congratulations to my sweet sister, Vangie. Her 1st baby is due on our precious Grandma's birthday next year! I love you baby Grace!)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why the Godspot?

Why the title, "Godspot"? I just thought it was a clever title (you know, like blogspot) because most of the things that I'll write about will have something to do with God -- I can't help it. He's pretty invasive!

Also, I was thinking about how there's a place in everyone's heart/soul that can only be filled by their creator. It's like the place in your heart/soul for your mother or for your father. If those places were somehow vacant or vacated too soon because of life's circumstances, they leave a hole in your soul that always craves to be filled.

It's the same way with the God Spot. God, as our creator, knew that he had to place some type of homing device within us when he made us so that when we could understand, we would we choose to come back to our creator and develop a relationship with Him to fill that spot for the rest of our existence. (That has to be a run-on sentence, but I just don't know how to fix it right now!)

Anyway, many of us don't choose to fill the God Spot with God at first; somehow we don't think he fits there. We try all sorts of other things because, well, we've usually been turned off by another's portrayal of God or we've completely misunderstood him. So we try all sorts of crazy things to fill that hole in our soul: money, other people, accomplishment, food and other addictions, even religion (you know, rules without relationship). Those things not only don't fill the God Spot, but they ravage us and leave the scars to prove it. But once we invite God to define himself to us, we will KNOW that there are no substitutions. When the God spot gets filled every day by God himself, it gives our life the purpose we've longed for and we'll wake up looking forward to actually living life instead of trying to escape the pain of it or just dredging through.

Well, enough for now. Just try to remember (what I'm trying to be mindful of as well): The God Spot can only be filled by God today. So, invite God to fill your heart and soul like only he can. You'll never regret it. Take care.