Tuesday, February 24, 2015

T.I.M.E. -- The Intangible Monetary Exchange

Just when I think I've had an original thought, 'ol Thoreau 
comes and ruins it for me!

Well, even if it's not an original thought, the subject of Time as a Commodity
is something on my mind today...

If "real" time (or the Present) is a nonrenewable commodity, 
what am I given in exchange for my investment of it today?

What started this whole train of thought this morning was as I was "spending time" with God I started thinking about time as a commodity that when invested can never actually be returned (once gone, it's forever gone)...
 Yet on the other hand, what a smart investment it is to "spend my time" connecting with God and his brilliant mind and love-filled heart for me as it yields returns that are priceless and far-reaching.

But not all of the things for which I exchange my one and only life
are as wise an investment... or even an investment at all.

If truly I am the proprietor of my time (because who really owns time but God) , and I've been given 24 hrs/day x 7 or 168 hours in a week:
  • How much thought am I giving to my current time "spending" habits? 
  • Is the value of my time worth the exchange?
  • Or am I bartering something I can never get back                         for something I don't even want?
There are so many ways to invest our time,
and the point is not
to get all twisted up in 'time management"
and have our lives so regimented that we don't even want to participate.

I think the short answer is simply to be more aware of what we have chosen to spend our time on... and do we want to continue doing it this way? Maybe the answer is yes. But if it isn't then a little soul searching with God acting as the guide, never hurts.

Life is always calling to us like vendors at a swap meet-- "Come here." "Buy This." "Do that!", and if you don't know what you're looking for you'll probably come home with things you don't really need or even want... 
Such is time. 
We want to look back at life and realize that although far from perfect, we "paid" attention and "spent our time" on what really mattered. 

Eph 5:15-18 So be careful how you act; these are difficult days... be wise: make the most of every opportunity you have for doing good. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but try to find out and do whatever the Lord wants you to.

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