Monday, January 12, 2015

Spirit Girl vs. Flesh-n-Bones Girl - The Battle Royal!

My adirondack chairs: Before & After
I'm considering chronicling my journey. 
No, that sounds too cliche...

I'm considering chronicling my adventure.
Ugh. That makes it sound like I'm a world traveler or something...

Okay... how bout this?

I'm going to record, scrawl or scribble the things I discover about what it takes to

(I really wanted to include the pic of my adirondack chairs
because they're so cute...
oh, but also so you'd have a visual :0)

What I'm not referring to is the typical diet & exercise resolutions for the New Year (although I'm sure I'll deviate there sometimes). What I really want is to discover what I need to feed and nourish my Spirit Girl - to restore her to perfect health in 2015 and then to write about it. 

Spirit Girl? (Is that even in the Bible?) Heh..heh...

Well, since I'm not a man, I'm taking liberties here and calling the other part of me, Spirit Girl. And if it she sounds like a Super Hero, I don't think she's too far off, because whenever I've listened to her, I get stronger in all the right ways. 

These cute glasses will help me focus.
So, this year, 2015, I'm going to focus on what it takes to give my Spirit Girl what she needs...
to focus on Being a Spirit Girl instead of just a Flesh-n-Bones Girl 
(although I'm still working on being able to see more of my bones -- )

Hey, I ran a mile today and I'm proud! 

But had I not listened to my Spirit Girl 
who has a really great connection to the ONE 
who loves me the most, 
I know I would've listened to that Other Girl & skipped the gym! 

Spirit Girl = 1 point.

And this example is just one of the reasons why I MUST find out how to strengthen my Spirit Girl's heart & that I will hear/do the things I don't want to do that end up giving me the very things that I desire the most!
I HAVE to find out what She needs to get stronger, to be in charge more often, & to grow her confidence.

Because the truth is...
she hears directly from Jesus...
and I want to hear Him more too.